Making Jewish day school accessible for families is a top priority for Gray Academy and the Winnipeg Board of Jewish Education. We work with every family to ensure no child is ever turned away because of inability to cover the full Parental Contribution. Thanks to generous community support, we offer a robust Bursary Assistance program to help all families who need it.

Supporting Our Families with Bursary Assistance

  • Bursary Assistance is easy to apply for and open to all families who qualify.
  • Different types of Bursary Assistance are available based on your family’s circumstances.
  • See below for details on each type, along with links to application forms.
  • All application forms are available as fillable PDFs.
  • Links to these application forms are also available to you on the confirmation page(s), after you’ve submitted your application (or re-enrollment).
  • If you are applying for (or re-enrolling) multiple children, only one application form is required per family for each type of Bursary Assistance.
  • Please note: depending on your family’s circumstances, you may need to apply for more than one type of Bursary Assistance (e.g., JK Bursary and K-12 Bursary)
  • We are deeply respectful of your family’s privacy. The information you share in your application and the evaluation process are strictly confidential.
  • Please note that only complete, on-time applications will be considered.
  • Applications will ONLY be considered once all application (or re-enrollment) information has been submitted and deposit(s) and student fee(s) have been paid.

Bursary Assistance for Kindergarten – Grade 12

  • Families with a total annual household income less than $165,000 (from all sources) are eligible to apply for need-based bursary assistance for students applying (or re-enrolling) for Kindergarten through Grade 12.
  • You can try out our quick and easy Parental Contribution Calculator to give you an idea of the total parental contribution for your family, based on your income and number of children in K-12.

parental contribution calculator

Click here to access the bursary assistance form for Kindergarten – Grade 12.

Bursary Assistance for Junior Kindergarten

Because JK is not mandatory for children in Manitoba, only families with very high financial need may qualify for Bursary Assistance for Junior Kindergarten at Gray Academy.

Consideration is given based on a full assessment of each family’s unique circumstances and the availability of funds.

Click here to access the bursary form for Junior Kindergarten.

Additional Bursary Assistance

  • We understand that some families have greater financial need, depending on factors such as employment status, family status, health status and more.
  • Applications for Additional Bursary Assistance are evaluated annually based on your current family circumstances and the amount of funds we have available.
  • Please note that a request for Additional Bursary Assistance does not guarantee it will be granted.
  • Priority is given to families with the greatest financial need.
  • Should you choose to apply, your application is absolutely confidential and will be reviewed only by the Assessment Committee.

Click here to access the Additional Bursary Assistance form.

New to Canada Bursary Assistance

  • Moving to Canada is a major life decision that often brings new opportunities and unique challenges for families. We are always pleased to welcome families who are new to Canada, who enrich our school community.
  • We work with families who have arrived in Canada within the current calendar year to help ensure Jewish day school education is accessible for the newest members of our community.
  • Those who meet the criteria are eligible to apply for New to Canada Bursary Assistance.

Click here to access our New to Canada Bursary Assistance form.

Tax Benefits of Your Parental Contribution

Kindergarten-Grade 12 – Per the policies outlined in Canada Revenue Agency Information Circular 75-23, parental contributions for students in Kindergarten to Grade 12 may qualify as a charitable donation on your Canadian income tax return.

Junior Kindergarten and Supervision – Contributions for students in Junior Kindergarten and fees for Gray Academy Supervision programs (before and after school; holiday and in-service programs) for JK-Grade 6 may qualify as child care expenses on your Canadian income tax return (Line 214).

Talk to an expert – Each family’s circumstances are unique. Please consult a tax professional for specific details and deduction information for your family.

If you have questions or need assistance with your bursary application, please contact our Finance Department: or 204.477.7410.